Marco Arment on the iPad 3 "Disappointment" Factor


Knowing no more than you do right now, I can guarantee you: the iPad 3 will disappoint a lot of armchair tech commentators, “analysts”, and anyone who gets paid by the pageview. (How convenient.)


The iPad 2 was the combination of many minor or moderate improvements. Most of them, individually, seemed underwhelming.

But the sum of those minor improvements was a significantly improved product. If you’ve used an iPad 2 for a while, go pick up an original iPad to see what I mean. Just pick it up. Then do anything on it. See?

Let’s keep all of this in mind when we react to the new iPad tomorrow.

Because even if the only upgrade is a Retina screen, that’s a hell of an upgrade.

I can clearly remember the iPad 2 being a night and day difference from the first iPad in person — in just about every way.