MacGeek Pro is Learning a New Language

My dearest readers, I have loved writing and producing content on this blog for the past 5 years. I started on Blogger, and eventually moved to, then moved to my own install with this domain name.

Over the years, you may have noticed there is a which serves as a home for some basic information for me. I rarely do anything with that space and it’s also on a whole other platform, so there really isn’t unity between the two sites. Frankly, I’m tired of that. I want a platform that can serve all of my needs.

I know Wordpress can probably do it all for me, but I’m not a Wordpress wizard.

That is why I am moving to Squarespace. My lovely wife, Karen, has been using Squarespace and loves it. And I must say I have been eyeing it with a bit of jealousy. I believe Squarespace will provide the foundation I need to create a site that I will love to use, and that will have a fundamental design that you will love to look at.

There is something greater that will affect you, the reader. The domain name is changing, along with the name of the entire site.

Get ready to learn the language of Techese. The site isn’t quite finished at the time of this post, but I am going to pound it out today. All of the content I’ve written here will be over there. (Also, the domain may not have resolved yet. Be patient.) So please add / to your bookmarks, and update your RSS readers once you can access the site.

Why the big change? Well, I have been competing for years with some other guy in grabbing the macgeekpro name. I decided I wanted something more original. I’ve been wanting to expand the focus of my writing to all tech, not just being focused on Apple (though that will still be the primary inspiration of my writing). I wanted a cool brand name. I wanted something easy for folks to remember.

So I arrived at Techese. The true inspiration is from my great friend, Aaron. I recently helped him and his family switch to a Mac, and he has a knack for telling me that I speak Techese, but that he’s grateful I can translate it to English. Techese. Genius. Thanks, Aaron. I owe you lunch.

My goal is to have the site nailed down by Monday, February 1st, 2010. I plan to officially launch it and publish my first post on Techese then.

This is my final post on this site. I’ll leave it up until my registration for it expires. Don’t worry, all the content here will be available on Techese without an interruption in the timeline. Thanks for sticking with me through the years, and I hope you follow me through this transition.

See you on Monday, February 1st, 2010 over at Techese.

MacGeek Pro, signing off.