Quote: Shawn Blanc

Shawn Blanc:

It’s only a matter of time until consumers begin buying and using iPads (and other tablets) as their primary computers. Why wait until then to call the iPad a PC? The iPad is a PC today.

This past Christmas, my mother-in-law bought my father-in-law an iPad to replace his aging Dell. My friend Aaron and his siblings also pooled together and got their parents an iPad to use as their main machine. In just under two years since it entered people’s homes, the iPad is already replacing keyboard & mouse computers for plenty of folks.

Quote of the Day | Marco Arment

Marco Arment on the “fanboy” slur often slung at Apple owners:

Apple’s customers often get accused of unconditional devotion to the company’s products. But the accusers often have an equally irrational aversion: they blindly and universally won’t buy Apple products. People can buy (or not buy) whatever they want, but if a few hundred million people think Apple’s products are good and fit their needs, and a handful of tech bloggers loudly refuse to buy them even if they have similar needs, which side looks like the irrational one?