¶ Daylight Saving Time Is A Menace to Society

If you live in the US, you — if you got the memo — rolled your non-smart clocks back an hour before you went to bed. You did this in honor of Daylight Saving Time ending. Welcome back to Standard Time.

Returning to Standard Time has one benefit — an extra hour of sleep. Except that you likely squandered it by staying up later than usual last night, or you still woke up when your biological clock said it was time (because you biological clock did not get the memo).

Also, it got dark really early tonight. Sunset was officially at 5:21 PM here in Lincoln, Nebraska. By 6:00 PM it felt like 9:00 PM. It’s…not great.

I think we can all agree that in the 21st century Daylight Saving Time is a menace to society when it comes knocking twice per year. You lose an hour of sleep in the spring, but it’s daylight longer into the evening. You gain an hour in the fall (if you don’t squander it) but it’s pretty much dark all the time you’re not at work.

Personally, I’m all for bumping an hour ahead next spring and then staying on that track. I’d rather have more daylight in the evening. At the very least, let’s just pick one and stick with it. Humans weren’t meant for time travel. And we all know children and pets don’t get it right away.

What do you think? Should we continue this madness of traveling an hour through time twice per year, or should we choose one and call it good?