¶ Millennium Move Ring

I love my Apple Watch. Since its launch date in 2015 I have had an Apple Watch on my wrist every day. And one of my favorite features is all the fitness related stuff. Closing my Activity Rings is a huge motivator for me. I love collecting the digital Activity awards. It’s pure silliness, I know — they’re just pixels on a screen — but dang it, I earned them! Especially that National Parks one in 2017 where I had to walk at least 3.5 miles for it (I did 4.64, and my feet hurt for days afterwards).

One of the awards I am especially proud of is my Longest Move Streak. See, I last started my Longest Move Streak on Tuesday, April 5, 2016. And every day since then I have completed that Move ring no matter what. Even when I was sick! And honestly, that probably wasn’t a very healthy to do. I could write a whole other article about how Apple’s Activity app needs to factor in rest days without ruining a streak. Another time.

I’ve know my 1,000th day of this streak was coming for a while, and I’ve been super nervous something would happen that would foil my efforts to reach it. As I came within a few days of it, I realized my 1,000th day would land on New Year’s Eve. Seemingly poetic.

Just before 6:00 PM last night, I reached it.

And today — New Year’s Day 2019 — I’m going to rest. I am intentionally going to end my streak. 1,000 days is enough. I don’t know if I’ll ever reach it again. And that’s okay. I’m going to increase my goal, and make it truly challenging to close it. I need that. My goal wasn’t low by any means, but I have definitely been able to reach it handily for the past months. Some of that might be that the Series 4 I bought in September tracks more movement than the previous Series 2 did.

It feels good to end my streak on my terms. A good clean effort. Nearly three years of showing up every day. And one day of rest to celebrate the accomplishment.

Tomorrow is a new day, and a new challenge.