
Today the Boston Globe launched a redesign. This design is utterly amazing in that it is responsive. What is responsive web design? Well, go visit the Globe's site on your iPhone. Looks great, right? Now turn your iPhone on its side and watch the design adapt to the new width. The same works for your iPad. Or your traditional browser on your computer (go ahead and resize your browser window a bunch and see what happens).

To celebrate, A Book Apart has knocked 20% off their 4th installment — Responsive Web Design — using the code BOSTON today only. I hadn't picked up this book yet, but grabbed it today. I trust it will be stellar, just as A Book Apart's previous publications.

Seeing the Boston Globe embrace something like responsive web design is inspiring. The real treat is how when the screen or window is smaller, the Globe puts content first by sending the ads below the scroll.

More of this, please.