Couch to 5k

A week ago from today, I started something that I have wanted to do for a long time, but I had yet to ever commit to. I want to run a 5K. There’s always been one problem: I’m a couch potato.

Couch to 5k is a regimen that’s been designed to get just about anyone from the couch to running 5 kilometers or 30 minutes in just 9 weeks. Nine. Weeks.

Now, I am all about having structure and a schedule. That seriously helps me keep focused on a goal and away from shiny distractions. But the static grid of the training plan is, quite frankly, not too helpful while I’m on the treadmill.

Now, in my past experiences with running, I have used the Nike+ system with my old second-gen iPod nano. Nowadays, I use my iPhone 4 and a Griffin AeroSport for Nike+. And now that I endeavor to train, and train properly, for Couch to 5k, I needed a little help. You guessed it, There’s an App for That™.

The aptly named Couch to 5k app is my weapon of choice. Like I said, I started a week ago, and this training takes 9 weeks. Just so happens, a week and a day after I complete the training, there’s a 5k in my town. So this is good for me.

So, about the app. It prompts you during each workout for a walking warmup, then when to run, walk, and to do your cooldown. The greatest thing is that you don’t have to think about it. You just let the app guide you and you just do it™.

You can control music playback from within the app, and it works concurrently with Nike+ on your iOS 4 multitasking-capable iPhone or iPod touch. Another nice touch is a complete guide to stretching within the app. It is super important to stretch before and after your workout. Heck, stretch daily, your tendons will thank you later.

If you’re a fellow Apple geek who needs some motivation to uproot yourself from the couch and run a 5k two-and-a-half months, definitely look into this app. To get you started, watch the developer’s video below.

Couch to 5K: the iPhone App from lonelysandwich on Vimeo.